Sunday 29 March 2015

Post 3 (By Harpoon01)

Destroyer are a ship that trusted to be able to take Battleship which Cruiser (Especially that don't have torpedoes) Rarely able to do so
Torpedoes are their main weapons (Guns of IJN Destroyer is quite Decorative) to bring a lot of Sh*t of damage to enemy Battleship
Torpedoes however have limited range (longest is 20km, but I doubt you will shot from that distance)
so you must approach to enemy to get better aim, but (Certainly) enemy will try to shot you in the process
For that Destroyer Armed with smoke screen to help to sneak and come closer to enemy without getting detected easily
and seriously try to spare some seconds for your escape and turn off your AAW (Press "P") (guerrilla Warfare)
most effective for torpedoes hitting the target is of course Minimmum range (300m)
but enemy battleship has secondary armaments that will bring a barrage of small shells (bigger than yours though) that capable to sink you in less than a minute
these guns only will fire in 5-6 km range, so the best distance to attack enemy battleship is about 6-7 km
worry not, Destroyer armed with Aiming guide so you able to shot battleship easily by following the aim guide which target enemy in lead position
after some patch they increase the enemy ability to see the (your)torpedoes which make it harder to land/hit enemy since they already see your torp in 4 km, so they will either Slowing down or speeding up from average speed(Half or third four) to avoid your torpedoes

Avoid engagement with other ship (except you are USN destroyer VS IJN Destroyer, but still must be avoid) especially Cruiser that capable to sunk you in couple of minutes or worse , Sinking battleship is your sole purpose and try to look at surounding before launch your torpedoes to avoid friendly fire which can be Devatastingly fatal
"It's like a sniper rifle, if you hit, it's a kill, if you miss... don't miss."
ah almost forgot, play as a team, don't running away like Shimakaze did in her comic
Pose as a team because SHIT JUST GOT REAL.

Post 2 addition(By Harpoon01)

Battleship has Superior range and LOS but slowest among other ship
Destroyer has great camo and can easily evade any long range shells
Cruiser seperated by 2 types: Light Cruiser and Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser is closer to Destroyer while Heavy Cruiser is closer to Battleship
Light Cruiser armed with slightly-better armaments and some could launch torpedoes or Seaplane , but only Mogami and Cleveland that more Likely classified as Heavy Cruiser
Heavy Cruiser have heavier armmaments than Light Cruiser and her AAW is expected to be Capable to shred down Any Squadron and screw Torpedo Bomber aim with her barage ability
IJN Heavy Cruiser armed with torpedoes make it even better?
Hell no, there are magazines explode mechanic you know and this game is not exception. Those torpedoes are rendered useless against far target and if you try to target Battleship with it, its useless since they can take your down before you are able to launch your torpedoes in good range. A very absolutely Situational weapon

Second Post

Destroyers: In short – nimble, have low draught characteristics, carry torpedoes, are lacking decent armor and artillery weapons. Destroyers are capable of putting out a smoke screen, which can be compared to a “mobile bush” or a cloud, which can be used as cover. Destroyers generally avoid confrontations with cruisers, however if destroyers are supported by other ships, then attacking the enemy cruiser might be viable.
Fast and agile making it hard to hit
Carry torpedoes enabling them to deal lots of damage
Fantastic at Hitting enemies and running away(aka guerrilla warfare)
Fantastic Camo
Low View and firing range
Low HP
Little armor
Can be oneshotted by enemy torpedoes

They are faster than battleships and at the same time more powerful than destroyers.
However their artillery weapons, armor and speed of cruisers are rather average
Good range
Good Maneuverability
Great RoF
(Navies with torps only)Can deal lot of damage
Easily damaged by battleships
Not very good speed
Not much damage

Battleships are impressive, equipped with a great number of various weapons and have the best armor. In addition, they have good speed and maneuverability, and due to their size, could carry hydroplanes.
Great at damage dealing(Especially one shotting DD)
Good speed and Maneuverability
Good armor
Fantastic Range
Lot of Secondary Guns
Bad RoF
Not easy to dodge torpedoes unless they are far away

Will add Carriers later....
Please help adding on to this
PS: Main source: http://forum.worldof...lified-version/
    The rest is by myself

First Post :-) (By Syanda)

HOW TO....shred aircraft like no one's business.

Posted this elsewhere
Aircraft interception
As a general rule, you'll want to intercept and kill enemy aircraft as far as you can from any possible targets. If you're a heavy cruiser, that means interposing yourself at least 2-4km out from battleships/carriers. If you're a carrier, that means sending out your fighter squadrons between you/your team's battleships and when the enemy carrier is predicted to be. Aircraft interception should be prioritized as such:
1. Torpedo bombers coming in on attack runs.
2. Dive bombers coming in on attack runs.
3. Enemy fighters with ammunition.
4. The same 3 as above, but returning to their carrier.
5. Scouts
By conducting a layered defence system and intercepting enemy planes away from your team, they'll be either destroyed before getting into attack range, or damaged to the point where their attacks can be easily avoided. Every bomber shot down is one less torpedo/bomb you have to deal with. If you're even letting planes get into attack range and shooting them down on the way back, your AA defence is inadequate.

As an addendum, and I cannot state this enough, when you see torpedo squadrons on the minimap, ping them immediately. This may be the difference between a BB being able to react to them, or eating a full spread of torpedoes and dying. You might even be able to notice which specific BB the torpedo bombers are headed for, since carrier captains tend to be really obvious about this. For heavy cruisers, you'll generally want to save your AA skill for torpedo bombers. Wait till they come into about 3-4km range and your close-in 25mms start firing. They make a very distinctively different sound from the 12.7sm DP guns. Also, prioritize the BBs you need to defend as well. Fuso-class BBs have tremendous AA when upgraded, but are slow, so focus on whittling down torpedo bombers before they reach it. Nagato-class BBs will need a lot more AA defense, while Kongo or Amagi BBs can dodge torpedoes if they're alert.

Courtesy: Syanda